Friday, September 8, 2017

THIS Is The Perfect Yoga Routine For People Who Never Do Yoga

THIS Is The Perfect Yoga Routine For People Who Never Do Yoga
Munetaka Tokuyama

Whether you're a new runner, total gym rat, or summer-only tennis fanatic, a yoga instructor can tell. That's because workouts that emphasize running, lifting, and swinging movements leave the telltale signs of tight hamstrings, quads, and shoulders—the trifecta of treacherous spots in fit females.

Left alone, they can lead to muscular imbalances, injuries, and stalled results. Here's what can help: yoga for athletes, a practice specifically designed for active people. "Yoga gives you the power to better understand your body," says Emilie Smith, a yoga-for-athletes instructor in New York City. "You learn where you're strong or weak, tight or flexible." By correcting those problems, you can raise your game. That's why so many pro athletes and Olympians are devotees. Plus, it strengthens your core and builds a lean, sculpted physique. (Not a bad bonus.)

This sequence, created by Smith, has three phases: dynamic poses that warm up your muscles and loosen your joints; passive holds, which relax the body as you stretch your muscles deeper; and a restorative pose, a critical element that Smith says helps you recover and prepare for your next workout.

Add this to your regular weekly routine—keeping in mind that it should complement, not compete with, your workouts. "If you're recovering from a killer workout or injury, move through each pose extra gently," says Smith. "But if you're in a down period or an off-season, you can take a more energetic approach to build strength." (For more hot-body workouts check out Women's Health's No Gym Required)

Watch yoga instructor Emilie Smith demonstrate the sequence:

Get into a pushup position with your hands slightly in front of your shoulders, fingers spread wide, and feet hip-width apart; raise your hips up and back, and press your shoulders toward the floor (a). Keeping your left leg straight and heel on the ground, slowly bend your right knee (b). Hold for a breath, then switch sides. Continue pedaling your feet 10 to 12 times.

Performance perk: Use this pose as a dynamic warmup anytime--before you run, bike, or lift--to stretch the entire body and improve circulation and flexibility.

From downward-facing dog, step your left foot between your hands, keeping your right leg straight. Inhale, then raise both hands directly overhead, lifting your hips until your left thigh is parallel to the floor (a). Hold for two breaths, then press through your left heel to straighten your front leg (b). Slowly return to start; repeat this sequence five to 10 times, then switch legs and repeat.

Performance perk: The high lunge strengthens the feet and ankles and stretches the calves, hip flexors, and groin--all of which make this move perfect for runners.

Return to the lunge position and bring your hands into prayer pose in front of your chest. Keeping your core tight and feet planted, rotate your torso to the right, raising your right elbow toward the ceiling and bringing your left elbow to the outside of your right knee (a). Hold for five to 10 breaths. Slowly release, then switch legs and repeat.

Performance perk: Athletes who focus on rotational movements (golfers and tennis players) may have better range of motion and flexibility on one side. This chest and shoulder opener helps fix any upper-body imbalances.

Get onto your hands and knees and lower your forearms to the floor; from this position, straighten your legs to come into a downward-facing dog position, lifting your rib cage away from your shoulders and pressing your heels toward the floor (a). Hold for five breaths, then slowly raise your right leg toward the ceiling (b). Hold for three to five breaths, then lower your leg and repeat with the left leg.

Performance perk: Stretches tight shoulders and chest muscles--helpful if you're recovering from a hard swim or tough upper-body workout.

Bring your left knee forward and place it on the floor behind your left wrist; line your left ankle up with your right wrist. Lower your hips and straighten your right leg on the floor directly behind your right hip, then rest the top of your foot on the floor. Lift your chest and hold for five to 10 breaths (a). For a deeper stretch, reach your arms in front of you, lowering your upper body to the floor (b).

Performance perk: Great for stretching thighs and hip flexors (a common tight spot in cyclists--and anyone who sits at a desk all day!).

Lie on your back and place your legs up a wall, scooting your butt as close to the wall as possible so that your body forms an L reach your arms out to the side or overhead (a). Breathe deeply and slowly. With each exhale, let your body sink lower into the floor. Hold for five to 10 minutes.

Performance perk: Relieves back pain and tired or cramped legs and feet--the ideal pose for any type of athlete or any exhausted woman!

Original article and pictures take site

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