Wednesday, February 8, 2017

How to Lose Belly Fat When You Have a Short Torso & Long Legs

How to Lose Belly Fat When You Have a Short Torso & Long Legs
How to Lose Belly Fat When You Have a Short Torso & Long Legs

A person with a short torso and long legs needs to lose belly fat in the same manner as any other person. Create a workout plan that includes a combination of cardiovascular and core toning exercises to lose belly fat. It is important to contact your doctor before starting a new diet and exercise program to verify there are no medical problems that could limit your success.

Walk at a comfortable place.
Walk for five minutes at a comfortable pace to warm up all the muscles in your body. A moderate pace is one where you can talk without gasping for breath.

Stretch the major muscle groups.

Stop walking after the warm-up and stretch the major muscle groups in the body. Stretch the calf, quadriceps and hamstring muscles in the legs, along with the arm and shoulders. Hold the stretches for 30 to 60 seconds, making sure to use smooth movements with no bouncing.

High intensity running on a treadmill.

Exercise to burn belly fat by maintaining a high-intensity exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes at a frequency of five times a week. A high-intensity pace is one where you are unable to talk at a comfortable level. Alternate brisk walking, swimming, bicycling or an elliptical machine workouts to prevent boredom.

Increase the length of your exercise routine.
Increase the exercise duration by five minutes each week until you are working out for 60 minutes during each session.

Try swimming laps.
Walk at a comfortable pace for five minutes to cool down the muscles after the high-intensity workout. You may prefer to swim laps slowly with a kick board as a swimming cool down.

Stretch to increase flexibility.

Stretch using the same routine from the warm-up. A regular stretching program will help lengthen the muscles in the body and increase your flexibility to make your body more efficient for burning belly fat.

Exercises such as the side plank will strengthen your core.

Add core muscle exercises to your workout routine for two times a week. This will tone the muscles in the belly area. Holding in your belly button will engage the muscles to maximize the toning process.

Original article and pictures take site

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