Get down on the ground so you're supporting yourself on your elbows and knees. Your palms should be flat on the ground and your hips, shoulders, and knees should be aligned. 1
Inhale and walk your knees out as far apart from each other as you can. Your ankles should be in line with your knees and your feet should be flexed to protect your ankles. 2
Exhale and press your hips back. You should feel effort in your hips and thighs, but try to relax a little if you feel any pain in those areas. Hold this position for the recommended amount of time, breathing evenly throughout. 1
Bring your hips forward and push your arms into the ground to lift yourself up. Bring in your feet and have your knees align with your hips to get into table pose and rest there for a moment before repeating for the desired number of reps. 2
To make this exercise more challenging you can try tucking your chin into your chest and stretching your arms further away from you. 1 This will give you a fuller stretch than the regular version, but you also have to be careful of neck and shoulder muscle strains.
Original article and pictures take site
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