Wednesday, January 13, 2016

14 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core

14 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core

The plank, according to many experts, is by far one of best exercises we can do to help strengthen our core--the muscles that support our back and abdomen. And because there are many different variations in performing this exercise, they also help strengthen our hips and pelvic floor, as well as our shoulders and arms.

A strong core has been known to help provide us with better stability, better posture, as well as making us better and more efficient walkers and runners. In addition, a strong core helps us to performe every day activities with a little more ease.The plank has also been shown to help relieve back pain, just make sure though, that you have received medical clearance from your physician if you have had a history of back pain or back issues.

And because the plank does not require any fancy exercise equipment it can be done almost anywhere, at any time. Just remember you want to keep your spine straight, you do not want your back to be arched, nor do you want your back to sag.

For those of you who have mastered what many refer to as the traditional plank, I have included some plank exercises that allow for a greater challenge, however, they can still be done at home with a stability ball, foam roller and dumbbells. And for those who haven't quite mastered the plank, I have included modified versions to help you move to your goal of doing so.

The Traditional Plank

Modified Plank

Up-Down Plank

Side Plank

Modified Side Plank

Star Side Plank

Side-Plank Flip

Side Plank on Ball

Side Plank with a Stability Ball

Transversus Abdominus: Horizontal Plank

Plank with Knee Touch

Reverse Plank

Reverse Plank with Leg Raise

Alternating Toe Touchdown- Fifth exercise from the top

Do you do planks? If so, which one(s) is your favorite? If not, which exercise would you like to master?

Original article and pictures take site

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